WTF! Ok some of you may not agree with me on this but I see this as a huge failure of my state government. We are supposed to be the live free or die state! why does my government feel the need to protect me from myself? The only purpose of a seatbelt law is to generate revenue for the government. Our state is in a pinch just like everyone else but we don’t need to cow down to Washington for a couple dollars. It doesn’t protect anyone from anything! I wear my seat belt because I feel that it is safer to do so! This is an invasion of my privacy. This is BS! What’s next, are they going to come check that my aspirin bottles are child proof? That I have outlet covers in my sockets? I give you my word that if this passes and I receive a ticket for it, to jail I will go before I pay that.
Here is a link to an article about it.
The picture that scared me silly!!
5 days ago
It is the unfortunate fact that the fedgov forces compliance via coercion, the threat of withholding money that belongs to the state to begin with. This is patently unConstitutional, yet is accepted as normal..... Unfortunately, I saw that the New Hampshire declaration of sovereignty did not pass. Your state chose money over freedom, as I suspect most will. It's probably a provision in the porkulus bill....